Blessed Mama Doulas

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born I set you apart.”

Jeremiah 1:5

About Us

We are Megan and Sarah. ​Sister-in-loves and fierce ​mamas. Through our own ​journeys, we both have grown ​passionate about childbirth ​and felt led to pursue that ​passion through becoming ​Doulas. By the sweet grace of ​God he called us to work ​together and led us to create ​Blessed Mama Doulas. Here, ​we are called to uplift mamas ​in all aspects of their birth and ​motherhood journey. We ​would love to walk alongside ​you in this special season!


Hey Mama!

I'm Sarah, Birth Doula, Childbirth Educator, and ​mother of three little ones. I developed a passion for ​helping mamas throughout the entire birth experience ​after I had my first child via C-Section. When I became ​pregnant with my second little one, I decided I would ​fight for a VBAC. The entire education process opened ​my eyes to childbirth and how little most mamas know ​and are prepared for in childbirth.

I have experienced C-sections & an attempted VBAC ​and have a vast understanding and unique perspective ​on childbirth! I am especially passionate in helping first ​time mamas & VBAC mamas in their birth experience.

I look forward to being a part of your journey!


Hey Mama!

I'm Megan, Birth Doula, and mama of two little ​girls. My Doula journey started long before I was ​pregnant. I have always had a passion for ​childbirth and raising littles.

Being a nanny for too many years to count, I've ​always found a comfort in supporting mamas by ​coming along side them and loving their babies. ​Now, as a doula I get the same joy to walk ​alongside mamas and supporting them in their ​births.

I look forward to walking with you!

OUr Mission

To EDUCATE mamas on the entire process of birth from ​preparation and delivery to postpartum.

To EMPOWER mamas to believe in their ability to birth a child.

To ENCOURAGE mamas through the good, the bad, the pain, ​and the process of childbirth.

To EQUIP mamas to be PREPARED and KNOWLEDGEABLE ​before they ever go into labor.

Our Services

Birth Doula

To us, birth is a very spiritual process. God created us to give birth, he made our bodies capable of doing this! We want to empower mamas with this truth.

We desire to support each mama in their individual needs and desires with birth. Epidural or natural, home or hospital, repeat C-section or VBAC, we want mamas to feel confident in their decision and as though someone is in their corner.

For every step of YOUR process, we will be there for you how you need us to be.

Private Childbirth Class

I (Sarah) became a childbirth educator, because with my first birth, I chose not to partake in a childbirth class. It was such a disservice to me and all of my future births to not invest in the knowledge of childbirth and all the possibilities and decisions that come with it.

A childbirth class allows you to learn new things you may not know about prenatal, labor, delivery, and postpartum care. This can be a time to address your fears, connect with your partner, discuss your options, and make an educated plan.

Reach out to hear about what this class includes!

Birth Doula & Childbirth Class

An all inclusive package that includes the childbirth sessions and the support of a birth doula during labor for a discounted price.

“This is how we take the fear out of birth: by honoring and embracing all the many possible variations that birth encompasses. In this way, every birth is a natural birth. Each of us is part of nature, not separate from it, and nature is always stunning in its variety. Your birth, then, is part of the natural world, however it unfolds.”

Lauralyn Curtis


What is a Doula?

A doula is a person who provides emotional, physical, and informational support to a mother before, during, and after childbirth.​ She is there to help prepare and inform a mother and her partner of the upcoming birth by helping them navigate through birth plans, big decisions, and what ifs.​ She is there during the labor to provide support to both the mama and direction to the support person.​ She is there after the birth to help guide partners through the early moments of parenthood and recovery from birth.

Is a Doula the same thing as a midwife?

No. A doula does not provide medical care. She has the knowledge and training of all aspects of birth and medical terminology. However, her role and responsibility is devoted to her one client, not multiple patients. Therefore, the mama is provided with unlimited support throughout her entire labor.

How will hiring you affect my partner’s role during the birth?

As a doula, our job is not to replace anyone, but instead be another member of your birth team and support everyone in their role. Often times, a doula allows for a partner to participate at their own comfort level, offers guidance to a support person, demonstrating how and when to use various comforting techniques, as well as providing information. Having a doula usually takes the stress off of the partner. In being able to share the coaching role, they usually are able to enjoy the birth more

Can a doula help if the mama gets an epidural?

Yes! During early labor before the epidural becomes available and during the process of receiving an epidural, a doula's support is extremely helpful. She usually then supports the family members and mama through the progression of labor emotionally as well as with information and her presence. (We do not leave the mothers side from active labor until delivery, thus allowing other support people the ability to leave and get food, shower, feed animals, etc.) When it's time to deliver, epidural or not, a doulas support and coaching can be invaluable.

Can a doula help/attend a C-Section Birth?

It depends on the hospital's policy if a doula can attend a C-section birth, but they can 100% help in one. From my (Sarah) personal experience, a C-section is usually an abrupt, unnatural, and overwhelming event for both mom and partner. By having a doula present, it provides a level of knowledge, preparedness and calm to an uneasy situation. Also, once the baby is born, the partner's responsibilities shift to holding the baby and taking them to recovery. Whereas the mama still has around 45 minutes to an hour left of surgery and then a couple hours of recovery. A doula is there to support the mama.

What’s included in your Childbirth Class?

This is a one-on-one childbirth education course with no other families involved. You can set the schedule, and it will be personalized to your specific needs and pace. The course will include two 3-hour sessions of childbirth education online or in person (location depending). One session is just with the birthing mother and one is preferably with the support partner and birthing mother.

What’s included in your Doula Package?

  • 1 free consultation that happens before signing on with us (over the phone, online, or in person).
  • 2 consultations prior to birth where one of us will meet with you and your partner if possible (online or in person). We will talk about expectations and desires for birth, as well as prepare for birth.
  • A written up, personalized birth plan.
  • Attendance at birth - at least active labor and on, where we will support you & help your partner support you through all aspects of labor. We will be in there until your baby arrives.
  • Our unlimited support over text or phone for any questions or concerns you may have throughout your pregnancy (no matter how silly or small you think they are).

Call or email to inquire for more info or to book your free consultation.

Sarah and Megan were made for being momma helpers You can tell they are passionate about providing the best care they can for the mommas they help as soon as you meet them They made me feel cared for and it was easy for me to ask them questions I took their birthing class which was both educational and fun and provided me with the tools and knowledge I needed to create a good birth plan and feel prepared for the delivery of my sweet baby boy I would definitely recommend them whether you want them all through your birthing process as your doula or if it s just for the birthing class With these two lovely ladies you will be in kind and capable hands
Megan was absolutely amazing during my pregnancy and birth She was my advocate for the things I wanted during my birth when I didn t have the ability to voice them during labor This was my first natural birth and the amount of support and peace she gave not only me but my husband as well is something I will always treasure She truly made my goal of a redemptive birth with baby 2 possible We couldn t have done it without her
Sarah was so thorough and thoughtful in walking me through what to expect when it came to laboring and delivering my first child It truly eased my mind going into the experience with all the knowledge she provided I m so thankful for her help and expertise and would highly recommend her to anyone expecting a sweet new baby

Blessed Mama


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